
Showing posts from December, 2014

How to Terminate a Movie Franchise

Released last week was the first glimpse of the fifth film in the Terminator franchise, Terminator Genisys . Due out next summer, it attempts right the wrongs of 2009’s Terminator Salvation and restore faith to a failing franchise. You can see it below, but how did the teaser trailer fare? Not well. Not well at all. Firstly, the marketing campaign is ruined. The first footage of the film is out and it’s a 2 minute and 30 second trailer. Where’s the teaser campaign? It’s a full blown theatrical trailer with action scenes, memorable quotes, run-through of the premise, who’s good and who’s bad, plus a glimpse at the money shots. What the hell is going on? Are teaser campaigns no longer in fashion? It pains me to watch studios fail to understand the concept of marketing as miserably as Paramount has with this latest Terminator film. You only get one shot at the ‘first footage’ angle, and they ruined it by releasing a full trailer. Where’s the slow build up to create momentum