REVIEW: The Humanity Bureau

So this is my ninth Nicolas Cage film of the year. If this is not a spoof (it's not a spoof), then the filmmakers might be retarded. This is hilariously bad. I'm talking In The Blood and The Asylum's The Terminators-level of bad.

In the future, the post-Trump Utopian United States is now led by a fascist government in which one government agency, The Humanity Bureau, regulates the contribution citizens make to society. Basically, they send people that take more than they contribute to a place called "New Eden". Little do these people know that they are being sent to their death. They kill them Auschwitz-style, then burn them, put them in boxes and pallet them up for some reason. The government keep people in the US and in the cities with fear. Instead of building a wall to keep people out and Americans in the cities, they have concocted lies, such as that radiation is strong along the borders, there are no longer roads that lead north, rivers/lakes have all dried up, and that drinking water/food is scarce. But this is not a post-apocalyptic US. The cities are still built up and life goes on. People live in them that contribute to society, but they cannot swim ... because there are no lakes! So any...way, a Bureau inspector (Cage) visits a mother and son in the countryside that are targeted for deportation (to New Eden). He cannot do it because the boy is actually his real son. The woman is an impostor that never met the child's real dad, but cared for the son after his real mother (Cage's wife) died. So the three are now on the run from the authorities, attempting to get to Canada to see what a lake looks like.

Cage has truly sunk to a new low here. The Humanity Bureau is in the top three worst-made films I have ever seen. Truly awful. It makes my recent viewing of another Cage film, Arsenal, seem pretty decent (I also gave that an F). It is looking more and more like 2018 will be an emulation of 2014 for Cage (his worst year yet). He's two movies in and both are a pile of garbage. Here's hoping that Mandy can somewhat redeem him.



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