Justice League Merchandising

While the third Thor movie wipes the floor with the big DC team-up movie at the North American box office ($300m over $230m), it is a different picture in China.  As of this posting, Justice has amassed $104.2m in box office receipts in China, to Ragnarok's $112m.  Justice holding its own against the much larger, much more popular Marvel outing, but it came at a cost.  I did not see any marketing for Thor: Ragnarok in China, but quite a bit for Justice League.  Is there a link between marketing coverage and box office receipts?  I guess it depends.  Marvel already has such a foundation of fans from Iron Man, Spider-Man, Captain America, and Hulk, so when they release a new MCU film it does well by default.  DC had to work harder to get people interested.  But even with the exposure, the gross could not match that of Thor.  Anyway, I just thought it was interesting.

Here is some of the marketing that I saw for Justice League:


Interestingly, I added to the Thor: Ragnarok gross as I saw it at the cinema in China, but not Justice League (I saw that in Hong Kong).  Oh, and that Superman chicken-egg burger above is delicious!


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