REVIEW: Battle of the Sexes

Yep, good film. Didn't blow me away, but it is by far the best tennis movie ever made. That's interesting, though. Why is it so hard to make a great tennis film? I mean, it is miles better than this year's other tennis flick, Borg vs McEnroe, but that's not saying much. Emma Stone is good. I like her in anything but she irked me a bit as Billie Jean King, as she does not fully transform into her. I just see Emma Stone. I actually think Steve Carell gave a much better performance, even if he was essentially just Austin Powers-lite. But neither give Oscar worthy performances. Good performances, but there are many better this year.

So it is an enjoyable film and I loved learning about this "Battle of the Sexes" match and the origin of the WTA, but I also think it was a little shallow. I suppose I should have known that going in. It is, after all, called Battle of the Sexes! It's hardly subtle. But I would have liked more flesh on the bones. They tried with the introduction of King's sexuality, which was nicely done but it wasn't deep enough, and perhaps an epilogue.

Also, what I do not understand about this match is ... what did it really prove? The female world number 1 beat a 55-year-old retired male. Shouldn't she be playing Ilie Năstase (or whoever was the male world number 1 at that time)? It only really shut Bobby Riggs up. Which I admit is not a small feat, but still hardly "movie worthy".

So, yeah, more than a few niggles but overall it is an interesting, educational watch, and delight in terms of costume and production design in recreating the early 70s sporting vibe.



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