REVIEW: The Cloverfield Paradox

This was fairly decent. It is nothing revolutionary. Your standard spaceship invasion/who-can-you-trust? thriller, but it is linked to the Cloverfield story which makes it a tad more interesting. Though not as well executed as Life. I was surprised by the cast. Zhang Ziyi, who only speaks Mandarin (and all crew can understand her!), has the best death scene, and Chris O'Dowd has the funniest lines (obviously, he's Irish!), and Simon Pegg is one of the radio voices!

I feel the film could have shown much more of the monster earlier in the film. Couldn't J.J. just use deleted scenes from Cloverfield? All it needed was a few glimpses. Showing it just at the end feels more like title validation than narrative demand. It feels cheap, but I guess it is fun enough. I try not to take this "franchise" too seriously. It is a marvel what they have done by plastering over other previously unrelated films.



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